Monday, September 10, 2007

Announcement of All Burma Monks Alliance 10 Sept

Announcement of All Burma Monks Alliance: 12th Waning Day of Wagaung, 1369 BE, Sunday, Letter No. (1/2007)
Mon 10 Sep 2007

The local authorities under SPDC military regime brutally cracked down, arrested and tortured the monks and people demonstrators who were protesting over the current fuel price hike in Burma. They did such a brutal crackdown in Pakkoku where the peaceful monk demonstrators protested over the fuel price hike by reciting Metta Sutra, by lassoing them and tied them at the lamp post, and slap them, kicked them and beat them up in public by the SPDC thugs of USDA and Swan Ah Shin.

One of the monks died of these brutal treatments. Thus it becomes the cause of Theravada Buddhism and the whole monks residing in Burma.

We, ‘All Burma Young Monks Union’, ‘Federation of All Burma Monks Union’, ‘Young Monks Union (Rangoon)’, ‘Monk Duta’ and all Monks Unions in different States and Divisions joined hands together and establishing this Monks Alliance Group representing all monks living in Burma, today make and announce the following demands to SPDC.

1. The SPDC must apologise to the monks until they satisfy and can forgive and pardon them.

2. Reduce all commodity prices, fuel prices, rice and cooking oil prices immediately

3. Release all political prisoners including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and all detainees arrested in ongoing demonstrations over fuel price hike.

4. Enter dialogue with democratic forces for national reconciliation immediately to resolve the crises and difficulties facing and suffering by the people.

Unless SPDC give in and comply with our demand on or before the deadline of 17th September 2007 (the 6th waxing day of Tawthalin), we hereby announce that this Monks Alliance Group will boycott SPDC until our demands are met.

All Burma Monks Alliance Group